Essential Oils During Pregnancy
As with all things when pregnant, consult with your health care provider before using any essential oils. Also, read to the end to find a list of oils to avoid during different stages of pregnancy.

Apply 3-5 drops of Peppermint, Ginger, or Fennel on abdomen or on the bottom of feet. Some may find relief simply by opening the bottle and inhaling for relief, or applying a small amount under the nose.
2 drops of Peppermint to a shot glass of almond milk for instant relief of heartburn!
Another option, if you can tolerate it, is to add three drops of Peppermint essential oil in a glass of water and sip throughout the day.
Morning Sickness
Massage Lavender, Sandalwood or Ginger combined with fractionated coconut oil onto abdomen.
Put 3-5 drops of Fennel, Ginger or Peppermint into a capsule
1 to 2 drops each Ginger and Lemon, mixed into water with honey or stevia.
Peppermint: a drop under the tongue, rubbed on abdomen or rubbed on the bottoms of your feet.
Put 3 drops of Grapefruit or Peppermint essential oil into a diffuser by your bed. You may find that waking up to these scents helps reduce nausea
Sleeplessness & Insomnia
Apply Lavender to the bottom of feet (if you can still reach them, if not ask your partner, friend). You can also diffuse it, or put a few drops in a spray bottle of water to mist your linens.
Another great combination is Patchouli and Dream Blend for more severe cases of sleeplessness.
Lower Back & Leg Pain
Relax in a warm bath with no more than two or three drops of Lavender or Ylang Ylang (check with you doctor first) essential oils may help to ease your muscle pain. However, Lavender oil should be used only occasionally in your first trimester, as it may stimulate contractions.
Rubbing a few drops of Geranium on the painful location with a carrier oil is helpful as well.
Swelling & Water Retention
Put 3-5 drops of Grapefruit, Lemon and/or Lime into every glass of water and drink. (3-4 quarts a day.
You can also use 3-5 drops of Geranium, Ginger, Lemon and Lavender in a roller bottle with fractionated coconut oil and roll on ankles and feet a few times a day especially at the end of the day. Massage feet and ankles in a upward movement toward the heart.
Stretch Marks
Combine 4 drops each Helichrysum, Lavender, Frankincense, and liquid from 6 Vitamin E capsules in an ounce of organic coconut oil, store in a small jar. Massage over abdomen, breasts & thighs every morning and night after the first trimester.
Add 1 drop each of Cypress, Lavender and Marjoram and 5 drops Geranium to 1 Tbs organic coconut oil and apply to the area with hemorrhoids or you can do this and then soak in a sitz bath.
Yeast Infections
Put a few drops of Melaleuca, Lavender & about 2 Tbs of bath salts into a warm sitz bath and soak for about 10 minutes.

During Labor………
Speed Up/Induce Labor
Clary Sage is considered a uterine tonic so shouldn’t be used until you are due. Place a drop on ankle reflex points and diffuse along with Myrrh during labor.
Energy Boost
Inhale or diffuse Peppermint or Wild Orange.
To promote overall calm, and peacefulness in the delivery room, apply , over heart and back of neck Lavender, Frankincense, and/or doTerra Peace. Diffuse Lavender.
Back Labor
Use a few drops of Peppermint and massage back and apply pressure. This will relieve some of the discomfort, especially with a posterior baby.
Labor Pains
You can use Lavender and/or Clary Sage and put in with 2 tablespoons of bath salts and soak in bath.
Mix 2 drops of doTerra Serenity Blend in 1 Tbs of carrier oil and massage hips, bottoms of feet and abdomen.
Perineal Tearing
Mix 5 drops of Clary Sage and 2 drops of Geranium with 2 Tbs of carrier oil. Massage hourly onto the perineal area.

Postpartum Contractions
2 drops Lavender, 2 drops Frankincense with carrier oil to calm and help with discomfort. Apply directly on lower abdomen.
Pain and Inflammation
Add 10 drops Lavender and 10 drops Frankincense to a bowl of alcohol-free Witch Hazel. Soak feminine pads in this solution then freeze for soothing healing during postpartum recovery.
Put 1-2 drops each of Cypress, Geranium, Clary Sage, and Helichrysum in a base of fractionated coconut oil. Apply each time you use the restroom.
Perineal Healing
Add 2 drops of Cypress and 2 drops of Lavender to warm sitz bath and soak for 10-15 min. Repeat up to 3x a day.
Postpartum Depression
Disperse 5-7 drops of essential oils in the diffuser 3x a day (either Lemon, , Wild Orange, doTerra Serentity blend, Clary Sage or Bergamot).
Mix 6 drops of either Wild Orange, Geranium, doTerra Balance blend or Frankincense with 1 Tbs of carrier oil and massage neck, shoulders and feet. Repeat up to 3 times daily. (Also let your doctor know if you are experiencing postpartum depression symptoms first!)
Many people have asked for a LIST of essential oils to avoid while pregnant, but there are so many opinions out there about what can and can’t be used. Instead I will conclude with these CAUTIONS from some respected authors on the subject:
Kathy Keville & Mandy Green, authors of Aromatherapy, A Complete Guide to the Healing Art:
Be cautious about using essential oils during pregnancy, especially during the first trimester. Even oils that are generally safe during this time may be too stimulating for women who are prone to miscarriage.
The following partial list of essential oils gives the prevailing wisdom in years past on how essential oils may be used during pregnancy (please be aware that some are very sensitive and may experience a reaction to the mildest of oils and a skin test should be used):
Those oils ok to use: Bergamot, Coriander, Frankincense, Geranium, Grapefruit, Lavender, Lemon, Sandalwood, Wild Orange, Ylang Ylang
Oils that for some would be better used with a carrier oil or diluted in other ways: Clove, Cypress, Eucalyptus, Ginger, Helichrysum, Lemongrass, Marjoram, Melaleuca, Myrrh, Oregano, Peppermint, Roman Chamomile.
Consult a physician before using these oils: Basil, Cassia, Cinnamon bark, Clary Sage, Rosemary, Thyme, Vetiver, Wintergreen, White Fir.
Additionally it is noted that Peppermint used during the latter part of pregnancy or after child birth can limit milk production in some mothers.
Dr. David Hill, author of Nature’s Living Energy:
You will find warnings everywhere about which oils you should and should not use during pregnancy. These previously were very valid concerns because of the impurities that were so prevalent in the oils available and the threat that they posed to a developing fetus. But [with the purity of oils that are now available] it is no longer an issue.
He has also given these points of advice:
Stay away from Clary Sage if you were threatening or had tendency to early labor.
Pay attention to your body on dosages as you may need more oil because of increased weight or less oil because your body was at a place of heightened sensitivity.
Peppermint used during the latter part of pregnancy or after childbirth can limit milk production in some mothers.
Ylang Ylang with Clary Sage may be used during childbirth and to stimulate uterine contractions. Ylang Ylang is very powerful and only very small amount are needed.
What’s in doTerra Blends? Read all the listed oils and refer to your doctor to get the all clear.
Everyone experiences moments of disconnectedness. The warm, woody aroma of doTERRA Balance® Grounding Blend creates a sense of calm and well-being. We perfectly blend Spruce needle/leaf, Ho wood, Frankincense, Blue Tansy Flower and Blue Chamomile Flower essential oils in a base of Fractionated Coconut Oil to offer an enticing fragrance which promotes tranquility and a sense of balance. For aromatic or topical use.
dōTERRA Breathe™ Now with Cardamom!
Enhanced with the powerful respiratory benefits of Cardamom, doTERRA Breathe™ is a remarkable blend of essential oils that promotes feelings of clear airways and easy breathing. This proprietary blend helps minimize the effects of seasonal threats and can be applied topically or diffused at nighttime, allowing for a restful sleep.
Console Comforting Blend
Combines floral and tree essential oils. The combination of Rose absolute, Ylang Ylang, Frankincense, Sandalwood, and several other highly valued tree and flower essential oils creates a blend rich in both monoterpenes and sesquiterpene alcohols. The final product mirrors its chemical component composition, being highly grounding and renewing.
Peace Reassuring Blend
Is a fusion of floral and mint essential oils. The amalgamation of popular essential oils such as Lavender and Spearmint, along with the essence of some lesser-known plants such as Labdanum creates a chemical profile rich in monoterpene esters and alcohols for a renewing and toning experience.
dōTERRA Serenity® NEW Restful Blend
Serenity calms emotions while creating a sense of peace and well-being.
• Features Lavender, Cedarwood, Ho Wood, Ylang Ylang, Marjoram, Roman Chamomile, Vetiver, Vanilla extract, Hawaiian Sandalwood • Creates a perfect escape with its calming, renewing fragrance • Promotes feelings of relaxation and a restful sleeping environment
Whisper™ Blend for Women
dōTERRA Whisper™ is a perfect balance of several CPTG® essential oils unified to impart beauty, femininity, and allure. Containing Rose, Jasmine, Bergamot, Cinnamon, Citrus, Vetiver, Ylang Ylang, Cocoa, Vanilla, Sandalwood, and Patchouli, Whisper's subtle fragrance, once applied, mingles with your individual scent to enhance the essence that is all your own. For topical or aromatic use.
I hope this sheds some light on the use of essential oils and pregnancy. If you are unsure if an oil can be used, please refer it to your licensed medical practitioner for his or her advice and directions.
Once again, during pregnancy and any other time, I recommend using ONLY 100% PURE Therapeutic Grade Oils.